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9 août 2011

Jace's POV in City of Glass (T3)


Vous souvez vous de l'article que j'avais présenté concernant les Battle Boys? Et bien Ash a malheureusement perdu contre le grand Jace! Mais pour notre plus grand bonheur, Cassie Clare nous avait prévu une petite surprise (Julie Kagawa aussi d'ailleurs): Le point de vue de Jace dans le troisième tome de la Cité des Ténèbres, le miroir mortel (City of Glass en anglais). Cette fameuse scène était déjà superbe du point de vue de Clary (malheurement raccourcie dans la VF) mais avec Jace, c'est encore meilleur! Voici un extrait.....

He felt her tremble, but despite the shiver in her body, her eyes challenged him. The adrenaline in his blood, mixed with desire and the recklessness of despair, made his blood sing. I’ll show her, he thought. Half of him was convinced she would push him away. The other half was too full of Clary: her nearness, the feel of her against him — to think straight. “If you want me to stop, tell me now,” he whispered, and when she said nothing, he brushed his lips against her hollow of her temple. “Or now.” His mouth found her cheek, the line of her jaw: he tasted her skin, sweet-salty, dust and desire. “Or now.” His mouth traced the line of her jaw and she arched up into him, making his fingers dig into the ground. Her small, panting breaths were driving him crazy, and he put his mouth over hers to quiet her, whispering, telling, not asking: “Now.”

Pour le reste, rendez vous sur le blog de Cassie Clare pour lire toute la scène. A ne pas lire si vous n'avez pas lu les 3 tomes! La scène présentée est bien sur en anglais!

Ah là là, c'est trop beau^^; et dessin explicite, lol
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